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Who are BBW Admirers?

Who are BBW Admirers?

Have you ever heard the term ‘macrophile’ before? Well, do you have a hankering for people much vaster than yourself and like your sexual partners on the larger side? If so, then congratulations, you are the definition of macrophile! It’s something to be proud of as opposed to being hidden about, so don’t be shy and come find your very own BBW or BHM!

More Cushion For The Pushin’

The good news for macrophiles everywhere, is that we boast a catalogue of bigger women and men who have their very own collection of racy photos and videos within the galleries for your sexual perusal. Should you already have your own generously girthed gal and want to invest in something provocative but can only find the teeny sizes, head to the forums where the big ladies and their enthusiasts will be more than happy to point you in the direction of somewhere that is ideal for purchasing BBW bras, panties or whatever you want to see on your giant hottie! Maybe you need some help on sex positions to accommodate your lover’s larger than life waistline? You could try the forums or even the articles where there is a wealth of information on everything that is sex!

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